Triple X ASCII art



At least I tried… right?

So far I ended up with this:


Here is my ASCII art so far -

Winning scenario:

Losing scenario:

*by the way I used an ASCII art generator that I found surfing the web, the art itself was not done by me :laughing:


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My attempt to make a medieval tower :grin:

The compiler doesn’t seem to like printing “\\\”, so the trick is adding twice as many “\” in order to print all of them.

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A ranger that needs to hunt a troll. His success will be determined by the correct choices of the player.

    std::cout << "88888888888 888                    8888888b.\n";
    std::cout << "    888     888                    888   Y88b\n";
    std::cout << "    888     888                    888    888\n";
    std::cout << "    888     88888b.   .d88b.       888   d88P  8888b.  88888b.   .d88b.   .d88b.  888d888\n";
    std::cout << "    888     888 *88b d8P  Y8b      8888888P*      *88b 888 *88b d88P*88b d8P  Y8b 888P*\n";
    std::cout << "    888     888  888 88888888      888 T88b   .d888888 888  888 888  888 88888888 888\n";
    std::cout << "    888     888  888 Y8b.          888  T88b  888  888 888  888 Y88b 888 Y8b.     888\n";
    std::cout << "    888     888  888  *Y8888       888   T88b *Y888888 888  888  *Y88888  *Y8888  888\n";
    std::cout << "                                                                     888             \n";
    std::cout << "                                                                Y8b d88P            \n";
    std::cout << "                                                                 *Y88P*         \n";

Here is my

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That is really cool! I am having trouble with mine though.

I finally got it!

That took some time and finagling…the terminal did not like some of the prescribed characters so I had to do some improve.

Thanks, guys for teaching me about the new std::cout each time! :slight_smile:

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Lion lies here! :slight_smile:

My first tripleX game title:

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art done by JaL


Not what i’d call cool or anything but this is what I came up with after a few minutes.

Mine’s a bit more abstract:

                           / | \
                      _   /  |  \   _
                     / \ /   |   \ / \
                    /   /    |    \   \
                   |   |-----+-----|   |
                    \   \    |    /   /
                     \_/ \   |   / \_/
                        / \  |  / \
                       /   \ | /   \
                ______/     \_/     \______
               /                           \
Welcome mortal, to the last room you will see on this plane.
If you succeed, you will be granted access to the next plane,
where you have another chance to climb and ultimately reach omnipotence immemorial;
however, if you fail, you will cease to be.
We are three of plane 0.
The sum of our world is 3.
The product of your actions will be 1.
Who are we?

Could use some touching up but i like it so far.

It’s nothing much but it’s honest work xd


Here is my ASCII art title.
A modified version of something I found onlline. :sunglasses:

help me…I can’t get it to work

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