Triple X ASCII art

I think because the ASCII isn’t unicode or doesn’t work with UTF-8 or something I can’t quite remember or figure out how to explain it. Ben touched on it in an earlier video if I remember correctly.

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Can you explain this to me? What is unicode? What is UTF-8? Can you link me the part where Ben touched on this?

Section 1: Video 11 had mention to this:

And Section 3: Video 4 has this:

As for ‘what is unicode and UTF-8’ I don’t really know! I think it’s the way text is read or compiled, same as how different engines compile code but I could be totally wrong!

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My code for creating ascii art. I put them in functions so I can call them when I need to…

And the outputL

And if we fail…

I think unicode is a way of standardizing character sets. Characters are stored as numbers in the computer and have to be looked up. e.g. “a” is stored as 97 in the computer if the ascii character set is being used. UTF-8 is an 8bit character set which I think is ascii. With 8 bits you can store 256 characters (0-255) but original ascii only used the first 128 (0-127). The characters that you are using are number 177 and 178 in ascii these may be above the character set your program is using. I think UTF-8 will handle these characters as Studio Code uses UTF-8 and can clearly display them. I think you need to set the coding to UTF-8 in your program. Unfortunately I don’t know how to do this and I failed miserably to get them to display properly , despite using suggestions from ‘stack exchange’.:sleepy:

Here is my attempt with ASCII art in my game. Ran into the same trouble as a few others, in that for some reason certain characters on certain lines wouldn’t print out in the terminal. So my title and my poor wizard come out a little mangled :frowning:


I had to use a double \\ for any \ that appeared that appeared to get it working

Here’s my ASCII art :smiley:
135 136

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My intro art.

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I used std::cout << R"(
)" << ‘\n’; to accomplish it



I like coca-cola, so I kind of cheated and got this:

Here is my games intro and art


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