Triple Gun Collection

Full project at my repo.

Again built from reference images before listening to instruction on how to do it. The body of my gun was made from one cube. I did horizontal loop cut; bezel for width; extraction and size the loop across the bottom. I then did a vertical loop cut for that indention. I selected the faces to move in, extracted and sized it. I had to merge some vertices and remove one face where the indents meet. I also used an array to get the 3 guns vs linked objects. I find that more efficient as long as I am not planning to resize any of them in object mode. I also though the barrel went into a recess on the cannon instead of a flush mounting on the front.


Nice progress :ok_hand:

The object reference point is the origin (orange dot) point.
You can make it more flexible using so-called empties.
And using parent-child relations between gun, empty, and tank.

And there are other solutions. These so much more to learn with Blender. Have fun.

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