Triggers, Bools, and the Animation Player Issues - Solution

I wanted to make sure that if anyone has difficulties with the animation player stopping, there is a simple solution that worked for me. If you have set the conditions for your transitions and unchecked “Has Exit Time” afterward, the animations will not work. The player will start the animation for half-a-second then stop every time.

What you must do is uncheck “Has Exit Time” BEFORE setting the conditions for the transitions and then the animations (or the player) will work properly. Took me a while to figure this out.

I assume as you are making these transition connections, Unity is making code for each of the steps you take. So if the code is out of order, it conflicts with the “pathways” and just aborts the player.

Let me know if this was the case for you too. I also wish to congratulate anyone who has made it to this stage. I hope you continue to pursue your game development endeavors.


WHOA!! This blows me away! This is legendary!



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WOW! This is going on this week’s Student Showcase post


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