Trigger Vs Collider

When the ball will bounce when colliding together but it triggered to call an alert.

when the alert closes, will the ball continue to bounce or stop bounce?


What alert does get triggered? Could you share a bit more information on what you see, did and get? Sreenshots might be helpful.

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Sorry if it makes you confused, let me try some steps.

what if I have a ball with a collider then I have a box with a collider and trigger.
when colliding with each other it is supposed to trigger an alert.

my question is when the ball touches the box.
the alert supposed to pop up right.

then when we close the alert, will the ball bounce? or not?

That’s right. If there is a Debug.Log in the OnTriggerEnter2D method or OnCollisionEnter2D, then a message should pop up in your console when the ball and the box collide with each another.

The bouncing is caused by the physics simulation. The alert and collision methods do not have anything to do with the bouncing. However, maybe you get an alert which pauses Unity. In that case, you will probably have to close the alert to make Unity continue running the game. At the moment, I don’t know what alert you mean, so I cannot really answer your question.

yes, that what I mean, when I got the message then we close the message, is the ball continue to bounce or not?

Yes, it is supposed to continue bouncing.

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