Tried to upgrade text adventure with unity 5.4 of 3

Installed newest version of unity 5.4of3. Tried to open old program, text adventure game, with new version of unity.

when the “upgrade required box” opens up, I do not see the buttons on the bottom that says upgrade

Is this a bug with the new version? Can it be solved?


Can you pop a screenshot of this up for us please @Tom.


Unity 5.4of3 it says. Loads fine for a new project. I just can’t complete the lesson to put an old program from unity on the web. Back to unity 4.6


Hey @Tom, that’s really odd, I’ve not seen the window without the upgrade option. Just to check, how are you trying to open this project? Are you double-clicking the icon within the project, or are you opening a version of Unity and then selecting load project?

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