Triangulating mesh

Isn’t triangulating your retopo mesh counter the point of having build your retopo mesh in quads?
This Orc was decimated by the looks of it and if i remember well enough, so i can see the need.
But quads are used for animation and posing, triangles are avoided.
So a workflow for game models that deform under animation involves quads only?
Even for low poly games that seems to be more preferable?

I have seen static objects like space craft, that do not deform under animation, being build out of triangles, so final rendering and textures are not an issue it seemed for triangle based meshes.

Also, I know this is a tutorial, but i feel a good tip to leave behind to any readers is.
→ The unwrapped UV of the Orc had little stretching going on, but in those few areas.
→ Stands to reason you’d only triangulate those quads that need it and not the entire mesh.
→ Like keeping your seams to a minimal you keep the triangles minimal as well.

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In every system, the final mesh provided to the renderer will always be triangles.

We try to avoid them, using quads, because it makes our modeling life easier. Adding loop cuts will still result in more quads. Because the system will choose how a quad will be cut in triangles, and influence the material looks, some designers will have influence on this process and add triangles by hand.

Havings seams can lead to problems of non-matching patterns between islands.
Having fewer seams, is fewer problems in texturing. But than stretching can be a problem. So it all depends on your model and usage.

Most designers will add seams at places where you can not see them. For example the back of the object.

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