Trek Assault - Beat Chart and Script!

  1. Traveling through freighters and platforms bustling with activity
  • Intensity: 4
  • Script:
    – “Refugees aboard. We’ve lost a bit of the element of surprise. We need to hur- WHOAH watch the freighters!”
  1. Flying through an unprepared patrol swarm
  • Intensity: 6
  • Script:
    – “Klingon patrol dead ahead!! Clear a hole!”
  1. Climbing to get over an unprepared missile battery
  • Intensity: 3
  • Script:
    – “Oooo this is gonna be closssse!”
  1. PLUMMETING TOWARD BATTLESHIPS THAT ARE RACING TO KILL YOU; Swerving and dodging around terrain with ships whizzing past, avoiding embattlements
  • Intensity: 8
  • Script:
    – “phew, for a second I thought we weren’t gonna OHHHH CRA… EVASIVE MANEUVERS, SHIELDS TO FULL!”
  1. Asteroid field dodging slower paced
  • Intensity: 5
  • Script:
    – Officer: “Seriously? Asteroids? What kind of an outpost leaves rocks floating all over the…
    – Another officer: “Would you shut up! You’re stressing out the pilot…”
    – Officer: “MORE THAN THE ASTERIODS!?”
  1. Some enemies swooping in at a slower pace
  • Intensity: 4
  • Script:
    – “Another patrol! Full power to phasers”
  1. Avoid large asteroids
  • Intensity: 6
  • Script:
    – “Whhhoah these are big! Evasive pattern beta 5!”
  1. Around the bend, some escaping freighters, really chill
  • Intensity: 2
  • Script:
    – “exhales well, that was… a little more stressful than I wanted it to be… I think we’re good; let’s get out of…
  • Intensity: 9
  • Script:
  1. Escape above the embattlements
  • Intensity: 3
  • Script:
    – “Well… that was… not my favorite time… let’s get these refugees to safety”
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What exactly is a beat chart?

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It’s like an outline for the big moments in your gameplay, varying by levels of intensity! So each point is a moment you want the player to feel, and the intensity is the level of stress or emotion!

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