Traveller's Respite - Duplication Challenge

First off, I’m going to say I do have some experience with Blender, so this isn’t a fresh start though its been almost a year since I spent any serious time with it.

Generally, it’s been a good feeling coming back to it. I was a lot more free about doing whatever I felt like than I was when I started out, which brings me to my second point: I spent way more time on this than i would like to admit (in excess of 15 hours I’m sure). But it was fun, so I guess it was worth it.

Remembered a lot of shortcut keys during this process and was actually comfortable using snapping for once. If there was one thing that kind of frustrated me, it was duplicating / moving parented object groups between collections (had to select the entire hierarchy every time - guess I got spoiled by Unity on that one).


We all have experienced this. But it can be overcome by more practice. Do many small projects.Don’t set your goal too high, keep have fun. That’s more important.


Looking good. I gave up counting hours long ago!

Select the parent in 3D view, Ctrl numberpad+
Drag parent to another collection in outliner or in 3D view press M to move to another or new collection.


Thanks for that - that works (didn’t cross my mind to use ‘select more’ outside of the editor and its pretty effective for this. I don’t have a number pad though, so I’ve added the action to quick favorites, seeing as I’ll probably use it often.

Yeah. That kind of mindset definitely helps. The way I kind of look at this was a project comprised of a bunch of smaller projects - some using online reference pictures more than others and hopefully accumulating a bit of a library of what works right.

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