Traveler's Respite - Camera Positioning

Here’s the camera positioning I am choosing for now. I suppose I could actually probably have multiple camera positions for different viewing angles as well (better if we review how to adjust focal length in the such).

It was a pretty fun experience to walk around the scene with gravity turned on - and a little disconcerting when I walked through walls or walked into tall objects and found myself plummeting or sometimes meters into the air.

(The resize window is just because while looking at the scene from certain angles I decided the relative proportions weren’t right between certain objects.)


So much can be played with.


Blender is both fun and very addictive. This is very nice work – well done you. I don’t know how to animate yet but I’m doing my course on Blender slowly but surely, soon I’ll be learning how to use animation in Brenda, I expect it was really exciting to be able to walk around in your own artwork, xxx jess

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