Transparent Asset from Blender 2.80 .fbx export

Hi everyone,

I spent literally all day trying to figure this out, but I still cannot figure out why my exported .fbx Blender 2.80 asset is showing up semi-transparent in Unity.

I’ve exhausted so many combinations with materials and/or textures and it’s still showing up transparent. I’ve also tried following various tutorials online and I still can’t get this simple task to work…

I’ve also ensured that my normals are fine (flipped correctly… a render in Blender tells me so) and that I’ve applied all my transformations before exporting as an .fbx.

Update: Okay… I kind of figured out what’s going on…

The leaves simply lacked some geometry so I extruded them out a bit and that fixed strange patches of the leaves not showing up.

As for the transparency, it seems that when the materials are exported to Unity, the alpha channels are reduced… I would have to re-assign legacy materials to override this.

However, I am still getting another issue where at certain angles in the Unity Scene viewer, the base of the tree becomes transparent. Not sure why this is…


The satisfaction of self-learning. :slight_smile: I figured it out! The “Rendering Mode” was set to “Transparent” in the material for the ground… Dohhh!

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