Translating 2D vs 3D

I grabbed the RPG series in a bundle and, in my excitement, only now see they seem to all be in 3D. I’ve only ever worked with 2D and am a bit worried I’ll find myself floundering about here. How much of these RPG courses will I be able to translate into 2D for myself? Will anything implicitly not translate?

For a start, the NavMesh, which doesn’t work well with 2D.

That being said, no previous 3D experience is required for this course. We’re more interested that you are familiar with the Unity inspector and have a basic grasp of the fundamentals of C#. We’re going to teach you the rest in here!
I would say rather than struggling through trying to put a sphere through a slot meant for a circle (see what I did there?), take up the challenge of writing a fun 3d RPG. Once you’ve done that, you should have no trouble translating the bits that aren’t as 3d dependent like our Inventory system, dialogues, quests, etc over to a 2d game.
And if you find yourself stuck along the way, I’ll be your friendly neighborhood TA and I can’t wait to see you progress on this journey!

Much appreciated info!
Thankfully I’ve had several years of experience with Unity pre-2020 (Unity has grown up a lot in a few years) and am using these courses as a refresher and some learning exercises. Since I only worked in 2D it’ll be a bit of a mental challenge but I’m thankful to have support if things go south.
Thanks for answering my random question, Brian!

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