Translate Blueprints to C++ in Unreal

The Unreal Marketplace has hundreds of great templates and components that are blueprints.
These are often a great start. But I’m fairly certain we can all agree that the C++ examples are significantly lacking by comparison to that of blueprints, so when you’re trying to retrofit a blueprint base on top of a C++ base, it can get a little messy at times. I know that there are ways to generate the blueprint as C++ now but what about translation itself?

Some key things that would be great to cover:

  1. When a blueprint is needed vs. when a reference to the C++ class is sufficient.
  2. How to access blueprints from C++ code.
  3. A walk through of implementing the Starter animations into a Third person controller.
  4. Functions vs. Macros vs. Methods in code.
  5. Finding ways of optimization (i.e. Enums/Structs vs. if-branch -if branch vs. switch on enum/state)
  6. Bonus material Multiplayer Replication - what to offload to the server and what to process locally

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