Transform translate error

When i try to type in code: transform.translate(1,0,0);
I recieve the following error in unity

Assets\Mover.cs(10,19): error CS1061: ‘Transform’ does not contain a definition for ‘translate’ and no accessible extension method ‘translate’ accepting a first argument of type ‘Transform’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

also getting this error:

I think you problem is that you don’t have .NETFramework,Version v4.7.1 installed(You may need a different version. This is the one that worked for me.). I needed to install this to get intellisense to work. I get no issue when running your transform code.

Translate needs to have a capital T.

Installed .NET still getting error

Have you tryed clicking get the SDK and following the steps?

yes but idk what to do after install, am i supposed to change some of the settings or did i miss something during install

Remember this

You may have done this already but here it is. Go into the edit drop down and find preferences.

Make sure you have the boxes ticked and choose the external script editor you are using. The click regenerate project files.

that didnt work either. i went ahead and removed VS code and installed MSVS thanks for the effort in helping

first thing i changed btw. its the transform part it seems to not recognize

If you are using vs code you need the C# extention by microsoft. If you are using vs 2022 or any otherversion of it you need to modify the version and add this:

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