Transform Lecture - Diamond (Solved)

While I believe that I am following along with the solution, when I apply the 45deg rotation on the z-Axis, I end up getting this Arrow shape. So not sure what I am doing wrong. I have used Blender in the past so perhaps I had changed a setting somewhere? Using Blender 2.90.1.

Thanks in advance,

Why do you have a mirror modifier on the Cube?
I suspect that is what is giving you different results.

I’m not sure. I went to file/new/general, then followed the steps. I have only used blender a few times and can’t remember if I modified a setting to follow a tutorial, or where I would look to change it.

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The blue spanner icon shows you have a modifier on the object.
Go to the blue spanner icon tab in Object properties and delete it.

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Thanks for the response. I’m not sure if this is what you are referring to but I went into the modifier properties and there are two mirrors. If I remove them, then the cube looks like a 0.5x1x1 cube. If I try to remove them in the hierarchy(Or what ever its called in Blender) it deletes the whole cube. Sorry total noob in blender(except a couple tutorials on youtube and not sure i remember much) Maybe I should look into reinstalling or if there is a way to reset all the settings to default installed state. Since they are there every time I start from scratch (File/New/General)

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Issue resolved. I went to File/Defaults/Load Factory Settings and everything is working as intended. I would have never found the issue, had you not responded. Thanks for the help.


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