Tower Defense Showcase


Here’s the tower defense gameI created for Realm Rush section of the Unity 2.0 course. Feedback would be much appreciated! It definitely needs a user interface, a win/lose screen, etc, but Rick said to not worry about it at this stage of the course.

Left Mouse - Place towers using your mouse on any of the squares with a circle in the middle.

Key Features:

  • cost 5 gold
  • if you don’t have enough money to place a new tower, you can replace one of your existing towers in another spot.


  • gradually spawn faster as the game progresses
  • give 1 gold upon death
  • if they reach your base, they will deal 1 damage when they explode

If your health goes to 0 or below, game over. Can you get a score of over 400??

After you finished the game, could you please:

  • let me know what you liked about the game
  • let me know what you thought could be better

I appreciate any feedback :slight_smile:

First off great job so far, this is really cool!
Fixes -

  1. So there isn’t any introduction to the game, the player is just thrown in and has to adjust. I think it would be beneficial to create a menu screen where the player can at least choose between jumping right in or maybe playing a short tutorial.
  2. The enemies seem fairly difficult to destroy making it really hard for the player to make it very far. There is nothing wrong with a challenging game but it’s always a good idea to sort of ease the player in,. The first wave should basically be a guaranteed kill. After the second or third wave the player should start to strategize as the enemies become tougher.
  3. Not enough variability/Strategy. From what I can tell there is only one kind of tower I can spawn and only one kind of enemy. If you look at most other tower defense games they often have different types of towers or weapons that are useful for different types of situations (i.e. enemy types, enemy movement patterns, etc.) Try adding some more variation so the player can really strategize and figure out what tower needs to go where or which would be the best bang for your buck.

Overall I think this is a great start, I’m not sure if you are intending a more action based tower defense game where by the player needs to constantly be moving the towers in order to destroy the enemy? This seems to be the case since you can move towers free of charge. If that is the case then I would suggest making the enemies change their movement pattern every few minutes!

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Thank you for your feedback!

To address some of your comments:

  1. I completely agree. In the course, Rick said not to worry about the user interface since we’ll be focusing more on that in future sections. Although, I should probably still have added a very simple start screen. I’ll work on a simple one and re-upload the game once it’s done :slight_smile: Also going to fix the Score text being off the screen and transition to a game over screen once health reaches 0.

  2. If you place your first 4 towers near the spawn point, it should almost always be a gauranteed kill with few enemies slipping by. Then you can relocate the towers further along to path to take them out as well.

In general, I wanted to create a feeling of constantly struggling to purchase new towers throughout the game by doing whatever it takes to kill enemies to get gold. At the start, placing towers near the spawnpoint will get you a few gold, but not quite enough to buy a new tower. So the player then has to constantly juggle where the towers are located to get enough kills to get more towers.

If this were a full fledge game, I would probably do a wave system like you said, as that allows for better control over how enemies spawn and move for a particular wave.

  1. I completely agree, although I feel that this is sort of hardwired into the course right now. The way it was structured, the enemies will only ever take a single path. It would take a lot of rework of the course code to make the enemies take multiple paths, but I completely agree that it would lead to a much better experience.

Alright! It’s been updated to have a very simple UI now. :slight_smile: Hopefully this makes it a bit more playable and easier to understand.

Great job Moose. I scored 122, not so good :frowning:

I liked the top down view and I had fun relocating the towers.
I didn’t understand the Money/scoring until I re-read your posts here more carefully.

It definately felt strategic, deciding where to place the limited towers, that worked ! so well done and of course if you spent more time, waves and different types of towers would make more varied gameplay.

As Kristian suggested, changing the enemies route would be good, but not simple to do for sure.

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