Toggle between different lock on targets

That could be anything.

Try this:
Close Unity, go into the project folder and delete the Library folder. Restart Unity. It will take longer to start now 'cos it’s rebuilding the Library folder. Check again.

If that doesn’t work, we’ll troubleshoot some more

I removed the entire Library folder. It did not fix it. It’s still not playing the animations, but the blend tree still seems to respond. Did not at first but now it does. There aren’t any errors in the console.

Can you zip the project (without the Library folder) and upload it somewhere. Then I can take a quick look. It will be very difficult to troubleshoot here

Definitely, thanks a lot
// link deleted

Although the compliler does say that there are some issues with some animations upon import, it did that before also and I’m aware of that. That should not be the cause of it since it worked before as well. I’m going to sort out the animations later after implementing the features.

Access Denied

// link deleted, Apologies, should work now

Your player has 2 Animators. Remove the one on the model.

This one

Omg. It has had that the whole time though, didn’t conflict before. But that fixed it! Thanks a lot again.

I’m looking forward so much to incorporating these new mechanics and what I’ve learned into my game Grunn :smiley: Thank you for your help.

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Wow, all solved before I could craft a solution. Well done, guys! This is why I love the Community forums.

ChatGPT is fantastic for a lot of things, and sometimes, it’s even right. The trouble is all the other times it isn’t. It’s actually good at generalized Unity questions, like Explain how a Coroutine works in Unity gives a pretty good answer. What it’s not good at is writing code that fits into your specific API (at least not until the inevitable AI takeover in 2029).

In this case, ChatGPT has no idea how the 3rd person course sets up input, or how our Targeter gets it’s targets to choose from in the first place. It doesn’t know that the InputHandler fires events and that the states are responsible to act upon those events.

That’s one of the great things about the GameDev community, between the forums and the Discord, there are lots of students who are familiar with the codebase. Others are able to pitch in.

I’m betting you have the input set to hybrid in your Player Build settings menu. The CinemachineVirtualCamera sees that you have input set to MouseX and MouseY in it’s settings:

and it’s relying on that for it’s input.

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