TOADY FROGGERSON QUEST: ‘You Move My World’ - Solutions

Quest: Toady Froggerson Quest
Challenge: You Move My World

Feel free to share your solutions, ideas and creations below. If you get stuck, you can find some ideas here for completing this challenge.

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I have a question Regarding the TOADY FPOGGERSON QUEST…

I have been “stuck” on this quest for a few days now in an effort to make it a “stand-alone” game.
One issue that I ran into, is that the tiles (road and grass) after a while start showing “gaps” between them, or overlapping. Has anybody else had this issue?
I am sure that it has something to do with how / where they are spawned.

Thanks in Advance!

Mitch H.

Can you show us a screen print Mitch?

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It does something like this where the “gaps” between the different portions of the flooring become highly noticeable.

Full disclosure, i added “pick-ups” that speed up the Mover script considerably.

That’s looking nice. (Except the gaps)

I assume all your tiles the same width?

From what you are saying with the speed up it sounds like things could be being moved and added to out of sync.
I cant remember whether things are done in Update LateUpdate or FixedUpdate or bits of both but sound slike you need to make sure one is done first before the other (move / add next etc)

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OK thanks!

The tiles take an entire frame to instantiate. So whereever you wanted them to instantiate, it’s taking while to appear there and in the meantime your whole world is moving away.

So you have to compensate for that by moving the spawn point by the amount the tile should have moved during that first frame if it had already been in play.

Either that, or make some kind of method that periodically rearranges all the tiles to make sure they line up correcty.

That makes sense! Thank you

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