TOADY FROGGERSON QUEST: 'Spawn A Vehicle' - Solutions

Quest: Toady Froggerson
Challenge: Spawn A Vehicle

Feel free to share your solutions, ideas and creations below. If you get stuck, you can find some ideas here for completing this challenge.

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This one in VehicleSpawner.cs, this is what I got.
I set up a regular Random.Range distribution for the spawn times.

void Update()
    if(Time.time > nextSpawnTime)

        nextSpawnTime = Time.time + Random.Range(minTime, meanTime);
        //TODO - Randomly space out the vehicles (Try using something more interesing than just Random.Range(a,b) - maybe exponential distribution for more realistic traffic?)

void SpawnVehicle()
    //TODO - Spawn a vehicle from a random object pool.
    ObjectPool randomObjectPool = objectPools[Random.Range(0, objectPools.Length)];

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