Game objective:
Save your classmates by flying the quiz answers to them.
Game environment:
Obstacle course made out of school and pupils related items, areas, etc
Game starts by some intro (who you are, what are you doing, why are you doing it).
Continues by you(paper plane) leaving the launch pad(characters palm) and traveling
through obstacles made from class room chairs, books, pens, blackboards, etc.
Goal: reaching the finish platform(classmates pocket or something similar)
Easter egg ideas:
- while flying through a course at certain point activate some output on blackboard
- put in some funny real world references in the obstacles
- make at some level a wall that is non-collide and that puts you in bonus level mode with
rainbows, unicorns and that kind of stuff, or different but still absurd
Most likely this will get stripped down to very basic at the time of creating the project, but the idea is to update it as I go further in the course and learn more!