Tips on getting High Polly hand out of the way to Bool the other one onto arm?

I tried deleting hands in edit mode but difficult to sculpt edges into decent position afterwards …

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I would do it as follows:

  • Define a shape (e.g. a cube, or something similar to the new hand’s wrist, but bigger) and put it on the hand you want to remove (oriented as you like; no need to be surgically accurate because you can move it later too)
  • Add the modifier Boolean → Difference with this “remover” shape as object.
  • Hide that object from view and from render (in the Outliner).

Then I would create a vertex group in the new hand’s wrist where you want to stick it to the arm, and apply a Shrinkwrap modifier so that it sticks to the arm using that Vertex group as target, like this:

Here there is a boolean modifier on the orange “arm” that removes the end of it using the orange big cube as object. Then some vertices of the icosphere (the new “hand”) have been used to create a vertex group called “Stick here”. And the shrinkwrap is applied to the icosphere (aka “New hand”) using the “Stick here” group as touching points with the “arm” shape. This way you can move both the arm and the hand until it looks good enough and then apply the modifiers or do as you need. You can also rotate, move or edit the “Remover shape” if you decide to “cut” the arm in another way :grin:.

This can be useful to make some not too destructive adjustments before actually joining both meshes.

Note that this can be a slow, inefficient way to do it. I just tried this with simple shapes a few times…


Thanks :+1: Ill give it a try … :smiley:


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