Tips for those of us used to Blender?

So, I’ve made materials in blender a number of times. Trying to do it in UE seems much harder. Is there anything like Node Wrangler for UE? And, is there a list someplace of the UE equivalent to commonly-used blender nodes? For example, I’m not seeing anything similar to a ColorRamp here.

Is it better to make materials procedurally in UE, or to make them in Blender, bake them to the model, and then just apply them in UE?

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not sure if you already figured it out, but here’s my take on it:

  1. There are couple of addons that help with material (and blueprint editor). I’ve been using Blueprint Assist and Electronic Nodes (the 2nd one is purely visual one). Some things are already in material editor, but with different shortcuts. What specific things are you looking for?

  2. I don’t think there is a list of equivalents between UE and Blender, unless someone made that site recently ;-). And I don’t think there is a colorramp node in UE. You would probably have to recreate it with a gradient? Maybe this will help:

  3. As always: it depends :). What are your goals for this project?

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