Tiny Turret

This was a satisfying, albeit difficult and time-consuming process to create. Doing the work can feel tedious, but the seeing the art come together in the end is worth it.

I have no prior experience with digital painting, so understanding the colors and getting the overall balance to feel right was difficult. I can tell my final turret doesn’t have enough contrast.

Regardless, I really enjoyed this lesson and would like to try creating more assets like this.


Time well spend.
Everything cost time at the start.
And then it will take the same amount of time, because you increase the difficulty of the model, scene.

Have fun!

Well done completing this course.

It is very game directed I felt, not completed it yet. Very time consuming compared to using normal textures.

Looks Great.
I really like your big “casle bump.” It highlights the lean of the turret.

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