First my laptop specs:
CPU : Intel i5-4210H @ 2.90GHZ
Graphic card: GeForce GTX 850M
OS : Windows 7 - 64 bits
RAM: 8 Go (Not sure if the RAM is used to render with CPU)
BOO old laptop (I know it isn’t the best)
Now the results:
Fastest time:
- GPU Rendering: 3 min 57 s - 480*270 Tile
- CPU Rendering: 8 min 52 s - 16*9 Tile
General fact:
- GPU Rendering is better than CPU rendering, for me, when Tile.size>40px
- 16:9 tile size is better than squared one for CPU rendering
There is also something I wasn’t expecting in the results for the GPU, I thought “the bigger the tile size, the quicker the render time” was the rule, but …
(First image is done with squared tiles, second with 16:9 tiles so the X axis in the graph represents the 16’s part.)
… There is a better spot than the full 960*540 , it is when the Y dimension is half of the final image’s vertical one (270px in this case). Strange rule that doesn’t seem to apply to everyone .
A lot of you got much better computers than mine for rendering but that won’t stop me !
Cheers !