I was having an issue with the “Tile Map Collider 2D” the collider was only wrapping around the furthest left tile. Like if you had 2 tiles for your platform side by side, the collider would only wrap around the first tile. so, to fix this i changed the sprites Tile Map back to 31 and applied it. then uncheck the checkbox next to the “Tile Map collider 2D” do disable it. then re check it to enable it. then I reset the sprite on the platform tile map back to 32. Hope this helps someone. the reason why this was an issue is because my enemies would walk into the wall because the collider was not there.
I ran into a similar issue and was able to get regenerating the composite collider working w/ 31 pixel per unit sprites by modifying the composite collider component: I increased the vertex distance to 0.05 and that seemed to fix it after hitting the “Regenerate Collider” button again.