This one broke me

No criticism of anyone intended. I’ve taken a tremendous amount away from GameDev.Tv.

I came to this archive course so I could get a bit more depth than the ‘toon tanks’ module in the main Unreal course. This lecture and challenge broke me, though. I think I’m going to retreat back to Unity and C#. Out parameters being passed into functions, but also called. Oh and combined with pointers and references.

I can see how C++ is performant and would be essential for anyone looking to work on a team in Unreal. But I just want to make small-team indie games that I design. If I ever have to worry about memory addresses something has gone wrong.

<backs away slowly, the whites of his eyes showing>

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That’s the same reason why I haven’t taken the Unreal courses, even tho my main project isn’t precisely simple, it’s not like I’m going to do a super high end AAA title, I’m also not looking for a job at any AAA company, so yeah, I’ll stay with Unity, I’ll definitely dig into Unreal and C++ at some point just out of sheer curiosity, but I’ll master C# first.

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