This is soo bad

we get NO explanations on why we have he is writing the code. like what normalized do, what random.rage do or even what a IEnumerator is. i understand it. since this is not a beginner course ofc u dont go in to detalj on what it is. but a bit explanation on how the code work… this is supposed to be a beginner plus but the intimade rpg course is alot easier to follow becuse they explain how the code is working. i am very disaponted in the instructur. i expect better from gamedev. i really do.


Are you talking about a course taught by Gary such as quiz master, if so a lot of people have the same frustration as you, id just skip to the next game and it’s usually easier, because Gary raises the bar a bit, and maybe it is too advanced or not taught properly, i had the same issue with the quiz master game, and i just skipped to Tilevania which was taught by Rick

If you would like good free courses such as ones taught by unity themselves or by industry professionals, just reply and let me know because i know a lot of places, if not, id just move on to the next game or post your questions about concepts in the forums.

no the new top down beginer+ course, its really hard to follow. as i said the rpg course for intimidied, that should be higher level than this is alot easier to follow becuse they explain the consepts they are covering when they are doing it. Stephen dosent explain anything about what he is doing… very frustating. i need to do my own rescearth on the things and methods he is using… i really expected more from them!

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Sorry i was late, my parents wanted me to take a walk with them… Hopefully I’m not too late,

Ok that’s fair, sorry i didn’t realize what course you were taking, I’ll give you some courses that are great, and i can also explain random.range and IEnumerater.

Also i hope you know how much there is to coding, so because of that, beginner plus means you should know stuff such as random.range which is considered a beginning topic.

Here are some courses for you in case you need a little more learning or you want to veer away from gamedev tv for a bit:

First one is unity learn, taught by unity they have “modules” which go from essentials up to mobile vr/ar, just scroll down to the courses:

Next from freecodecamp, they have a perfect 7-hour YouTube tutorial that is very beginner friendly and is taught by a wonderful teacher:

Next, by Codemonkey, a recent 10 hour course which has everything to take you from beginning to pro:

Finally from Brackets, who is a professional just like the others and is very well liked for many reasons, he has this set of videos, and then advanced topics afterwards, this has like over 60 videos in the playlist:

Also you should check out Game dev tvs rpg series, it is amazing(Edit: I see that you have gotten it, id recommend doing the whole thing so that your intermediate at coding which is really good.)

Random.Range just takes a set of numbers and randomizes them, that’s the simple option as shown:

float randomNumber = Random.Range(1f, 10f);

As you can see here there is a variable that is being set to something, you know that, except here there is random being involved, this takes a range of numbers and randomizes them just as you would expect.

In other words, you can use the function Random.Range() to generate a random number within a given range. This function takes two arguments, the minimum value and the maximum value, and returns a random float between them.

There is also a unity documentation on everything including this:

For some odd reason I’m not very well knowledged with this, but i did some research for you and here’s what i found:

In general, the term “normalize” means to bring something to a standard or consistent state. In the context of programming, the normalize() function is used to adjust a vector’s length to a value of 1 while maintaining its direction.

In mathematics and computer graphics, a vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude (length) and direction. A normalized vector is simply a vector with a magnitude of 1.

In programming, normalizing a vector means dividing each component of the vector by its magnitude (length). This process scales down the vector to a length of 1 while keeping its direction unchanged. Normalizing a vector is often useful in 3D graphics and game development to calculate lighting, shading, and physics simulation.

For example, suppose we have a 3D vector (x, y, z) with a length of len. To normalize this vector, we would divide each component of the vector by len:

normalizedVector.x = x / len;
normalizedVector.y = y / len;
normalizedVector.z = z / len;

The resulting normalizedVector will have a length of 1 and the same direction as the original vector (x, y, z).

I hope i made sense on that

Just like with the last one there is a unity doc for everything, and it’s really helpful, just search in what your curious about, and you’ll get what you need

When i originally wrote this i was talking about coroutines, but i realized that’s different, IEnumerator is an interface used to implement coroutines, which are functions that can pause their execution and resume it at a later time, interesting enough.

However In simpler terms, IEnumerator allows you to write functions that can perform certain actions over time, rather than all at once. This is useful for creating animations, controlling object behavior over time, and other scenarios where you want to control the flow of time-based events.

For example, you could use IEnumerator to create a coroutine that slowly fades out the alpha channel of an object over a period of time, rather than making the object disappear instantly. By using IEnumerator, you can control the duration of the fade, pause and resume it as needed, and perform other actions while the fade is in progress.

Let me know if you need anything else, I’m happy to help, again sorry for the late response.


This course isnt a beginner course. It assumes you have some experience. Random range is explained in the basics courses man.

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