This is probably to late to say since the course is fairly dated. Program flow and better explainations are needed greatly

I’ve found it a difficult to follow along (this lecture in particular). Obviously this just my opinion, so please don’t take any offense. It feels like I’m watching you program, not teach. This is really frustrating because you keep adding, removing, and moving code (which is normal when programming, i’ve done my share in my java classes and ps at work). I think it’d be easier to digest if the code was already there and you walked us through it. I’m not talking about showing us how to look up UE4 parameters and uses, that is actually really beneficial. I’m talking about the code looking like spaghetti and being hard to follow the flow. Spending a little time at the end of key lectures, after if you implemented a new function(in general use of the word) which makes the program change what it does during it’s flow. Basically walking us through how the computer goes through the code. I understand you want us to refactor the code for practice, but what’d help in doing that is a better explanation of what the code is doing. I was able to figure out and now feel a little more confident with it, but it’s still frustrating because it was made harder than it needed to be. For us new to Cpp I think this would be really beneficial.

Just a general criteque of the course up to this point. Please keep this in mind when making other lectures/courses. Overall I’m learning a lot and the community is great! I look forward to starting the next sections and moving on to your multiplayer course.

I really feel the same. I feel like i’m watching a stream of someone coding a game with a bit of explaining rather then an actual paid tutorial, and that is really frustrating.
I don’t want to say you should Re-make the whole course with that in mind, but… i think you should.

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