This is not possible, someone HELP

How did Ben have nothing assigned to HitLocation and he still got the Lookdirection printed?

Dude wtf, there is no way. He literally assigned it to nothing and he still got the lookdirection?

If I dont assign HitLocation to anything I get 0.

My code is 100% the same as Bens code and its stressing me out because hes printing out world directions and im printing out X:0 Y:0 Z:0


If someone could explain to me how Ben has a HitLocation that is not assigned to anything but still gives lookdirections it would be extemely appreciated.

It gives him the wrong numbers, later in the video he enlightens us to the fact that he forgot to actually assign the out vector.

But how do I get zero and he gets ‘wrong numbers’?

I think you forget to delete last line of bool ATankPlayerController::GetSightRayHitLocation(FVector& HitLocation) const
which is Hitlocation = FVector(1.0f);
or something I had same problem

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