This is my version of PROJECT BOOST!

Hey, try out my version of Project Boost.

A few screenshots of my game.

Do give it a try even though it is very basic. I’ve made a menu for the CONTROLS in the game but I’ll also give them below:
A - rotate left
D - rotate right
Space - Thrust


Get to the landing pad without hitting any obstacles.
All kinds of feedback are welcome :smiley:

1 Like

Amazing work! Congrats on making the game!

Thanks a lot :smiley:

Firstly, let me say NICE JOB! I really like the rocket styling and the level design (for the 3 levels I saw) is very nice.

It is very difficult at an early stage (level 3 for me). I really like the design and I think the main difficulty is in that it’s challenging to know where the rocket is in relation to the obstacles. In the tutorial, the light on the nose of the rocket helps the player know how close they are to the ceiling and walls.

I very much like the bit that I played. Keep it up!

Yeah, thanks a lot for your feedback. Many people have actually told me that the levels are very difficult and that I should tone them down. Also thanks for giving me an insight on the “nose light”, that really clarified some problems my users had, so thanks again. :smiley:

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