This is my first cave style project boost design (added two more levels)

This is my first cave style project boost design. I’m waiting for your advice on how I can design a better level.


I am looking for friends with whom I can help each other and have discussions while developing games with Unity.

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**I made a few changes, added lights around, removed some walls to give the feeling of a cave, I hope you like it. **

This is my 2nd level. Just like the 1st level, I designed it using moving obstacles.

This is my 3rd level. I designed it inspired by the pipes in the Flappy Bird game.

Friends, if you like the levels I made, I will be very happy. I will design two more levels after these levels. I am waiting for your suggestions.

this is my 4rd level.


While your start- and end-points are clearly visible.
The flying (rocket) is difficult to spot in the dark (cave look-a-like) environment.
You could improve the maze or background coloring.

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I will make corrections to my levels later. Thanks for your advice.

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