This grabber system is not working took tank section why?

Dunno bro, maybe explain smth. Show some code, tell us HOW it doesnt work. Which part of it. Maybe add a couple of UE_LOGs to code to learn what’s going on.

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Grabber.header file:


PawnBase.header file:


PawnTank.header file:


You still haven’t really provided information as to what you’re expecting. How isn’t it working? What are you trying to do? etc.

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i am trying to play grabber in took tank . I wrote pank tank(Pawn) and grabber (actor component) then I added grabber to pawn tank in the blueprint of pawntank. but while playing grabber is not working, it compiled well, and no error

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Have you prepared the input actions?

And what are you trying to pick up? Do they have collision and have the right collision profile?

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Static Mesh, yes it has collision

Have you set it to stimulate physics and set collision profile as physics actor?

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Are they set to be physics bodies? Are you getting anything from your logs?

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