This Barbie Delivers (Delivery Driver Project)

This is my very first go around with game development Unity, and I may come back to it later after completing more projects and courses in order to turn it into a usable minigame. Stopping here in order to move on to other projects.

My plans if I come back to this.

  • Add a basic tally up system that keeps track of how many packages were delivered.
  • Add a basic UI/menu with options like “play, settings, quit”
  • Add an end game/restart UI screen after all the packages were delivered.
  • Use a pointer that guides the player to packages and their respective customer.
  • Add a timer that starts after picking up the package.
  • bonus: add emotes to represent customer’s anger at certain time intervals.
  • A way to lose the game by running out of time.
  • Music and sound effects
  • More maps/levels (like 4 more that increases difficulty)

I did add one thing which was cars going around the roundabout that you can crash into.

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