There's a problem with my projectiles not returning me XP!

Earlier, I would find that since the character continues punching even after the target is dead, it would reward experience multiple times. The way I dealt with that was:

public void TakeDamage(in GameObject instigator, in float damage)
    // Start when we aren't dead
    if (!dead)
        // This will call DieOrResurrect(), setting "dead" to true if necessary
        Hp -= damage;
        // We might be dead now!

private void AwardXp(GameObject instigator)
    if (dead)

Where the Hp property is defined as

private float Hp
    get => hitPoints;
        hitPoints = Mathf.Max(value, 0);

… and DieOrResurrect() works like

private void DieOrResurrect()
    if (hitPoints <= 0 && !dead)
        dead = true;
        collider.enabled = false;
    else if (hitPoints > 0 && dead)
        dead = false;
        collider.enabled = true;

By discerning stuff from the Debugger, somehow hitting with a melee attack (if the projectilePrefab is null) calls TakeDamage() twice, while for projectiles, it doesn’t. So an enemy killed by a projectile doesn’t call AwardXp since I don’t hit its dead body (yikes).

My whole repo is at Are there any corners I’m missing?

Turns out it was the silliest of mistakes, classic me.

I didn’t update the gameObject reference on the projectile. Sigh.
However, I did resolve the bug of XP being awarded only for already dead people by performing a check for the killing blow:

public void TakeDamage(in GameObject instigator, in float damage)
    if (!dead)
        // Check if it's the killing blow [[ MONT'KA ]]
        if ((hitPoints - damage) <= 0)
        // Actually apply the damage
        Hp -= damage;
  1. I went back on my previous observation and placed the DieOrResurrect() call inside Hp's set method.
  2. I ripped out the AwardXp() call since it remained unused otherwise.
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