There are no plane images in resources

only a blend file. are we supposed to find our own plane top, front, side images?


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Section 4 lesson 52 states to download the images from the lectures resources, but only a blend file is provided, no images. Anyway, I found a different plane i liked and modeled that! about to upload images to that section

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@NP5 you know this?

Yes, it was reported on Udemy too last night. Someone is looking into it.

Sorry, it is an omission and is already being looked into.

Well done sourcing probably better images than Grant’s model images! :grinning:


plane top side front

In case anyone is interested in the reference I found!
Some of the dimensions between front/side/top are a bit off so have to do some scaling of the ref on each side to make sure it mostly lines up.


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