The wedge

Hello all and welcome back!
couldn’t resist to type that out!

anyhow what i did was:
grabbed 2 top vertesis <- or what it is called my bad…
pulled them down over de bottem ones,
2 block stretch and Pow its done!

even though i think there are still 2 execive “vertesis”?
you don’t see them so i guess i did the job well.

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Did you merge the two verts you moved down into the ones they ended up on top of? should then have verts only.

If not, in wireframe view. select over a corner and press M, choose merge by distance. If they are properly on top of each other it will merge them into one. repeat with other corner!

Yea i noticed in the lesson after words.
I am a true beginner in blender but so far doing a good job, i will post my new challenge from 23 as soon as im done


Great. Use the ‘show’ section for your next post rather than ‘talk’ it is more usual here.

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Will do thanks for the tip man :muscle:t2:

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