The time just loops

I did every step in the lecture but the timer value loops as timeToAnswerQuestion and it doesn’t change into the timeToShowCorrectAnswer, and in the inspector when the game is running the isAnsweringQuestion is always true not changing to false but the code looks fine.

Hi Mostafa,

Have you already compared your code to the Lecture Project Changes which can be found in the Resources of this lecture? Maybe there is a typo somewhere.

And have you already rewatched the video at least one more time? Maybe something is missing in your project.

I did rewatch it and I wrote all again still the same

Could you please share more information on what you did and have in Unity? At the moment, I do not know anything about your project, so it is difficult to assist you.

I am Sorry,
I found that I had the else statement is inside the if statement so as it’s not there.

Another time I am sorry for disturbance.

No need to apologise, Mostafa. I’m glad you found and solved the problem. Thanks for letting me know.

Have a nice weekend! :slight_smile:

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