The Snapping Tool

when i’m using snapping tool with extrude tool and press on z key i can get only global z and z normal
but how can i get local z ? (blender 2.93)

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I’m not sure what you mean or try to do.

in edit mode select a face and extrude.
Blender uses face normal z-ax.
Press z key guidance is off.
Press z again guidance is the world.
Press z again guidance is face normal.

The snap tool works when the guide is off and follows the snap setup (face, vertices)

Share your screen and show what you are trying to accomplish.

I just tested it. FedPete has it covered really.
E and it is set to extrude on the face normal the axis blue line shows.
Z and it is with no constraint.
Z again it gets the world Z constraint.
Z again and it is back to the normal.

In effect, the normal is the local direction for that face.

You can E and click/enter with no movement.
Then G grab and then use an axis for directional control constraint.
That will cycle through
G free no constraint
X world constraint
X again local X.

Snapping will work wherever it can within the constraint. Not if snapping would take it off axis.

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