The [SerializeField] doesn't show up for me in VS Code

If you watch this video at 0:49 mark, when he types SerializeField, the option shows up and he doesn’t have to type the whole word he can just select that option. I don’t see that option for me…

His option:

My option:

My question is: how do I fix this? thank you

You can check this out, i think it should fix your problems (it did for me in the past);

It looks like you use VS Code, then maybe this;

hey there, thanks for the reply. I’m confused. I’m using macbook and I have visual code and visual code studio already installed. In your link provided it talks about having visual code installer? I can’t find that on my machine and I already have visual code and visual code studio already installed.

Is there a way to fix my problem just going through some settings in visual studio code?

I think so, if you look at the youtube link, she shows the extensions after 1.18…
that might fix your problem, also make sure unity has the right editor set, as she also shows after that

Ok I think I downloaded the three she talked about, however there seems to be a lot of things that have changed from the version she is using to the one I am using. For example, when she goes to (at 1:45) edit → preferences, a window pops up for her but all I get is this:

And do I need the .Net framework thingy? I am on Mac and I honestly don’t remember if I downloaded those things. I’ve been doing the lectures and the code seems to work fine so I should be okay right?

Thank you

If the code works, that’s fine. In the end, only the text matters, not the colours or suggestions. Valid code is valid code. However, we use a script editor to make our lives as game developers easier.

On your Mac, you need the MONO Framework, not the .NET Framework.

In Preferences > Settings > Extensions > C# Configuration, set Omnisharp: Use Global Mono to always.

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Thank you so much!!

Wait so do I need to download the MONO Framework? If so, how come the lecture videos doesn’t ask us to do this?

Rick uses Windows.

For Mac, please follow the instruction on this website and make sure all required extensions are installed:

The MONO Framework is mentioned there. It is the equivalent of the .NET Framework for Windows.

I see thank you. I made a new project in unity and then a new C# script to test things out. I open the script and find all these orange icon thingies on my hierachy to the left of my screen. and 10 problems. is this normal?

Also I want to run a simple hello world script but I can’t find the run button anywhere. Do you know how I can run it so I can see hello world in my console?

Thanks very much for your help!

Did you download/import any assets?

In Window > Package Manager, you could uninstall certain packages such as the Unity Test Framework because we do not use it in this course. You could also check if there is an update for Text Mesh Pro.

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