My try of the mid section challenge : A ride of the blender theme park

My try of the mid section challenge : A ride of the blender theme park
Great action scene!
Very nice - while somewhat simple (and by no means a criticism, as you clearly are keen to explore and practice) your first image catches a very action-y shot - which is great.
Wow! Riding a rollercoaster is fun. You’ve shown that in good compositions and good scenery!
I’m not sure what you mean by colour and lights. Light is good. Everything is visible in detail. Colours give the right ‘vibe’! Maybe it is texturing and material (wood, iron, plastic) what you mean?
Just follow the course, it will be explained to you. And that you come back to the project and do an upgrade. How much fun is that!
Cool idea!
The character is really expressive as well!