The left-hand side of an assignment error

This is my code and I’m getting this error:
Assets/NumberWizards.cs(27,4): error CS0131: The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, a property or an indexer
On 27th line is print = ("Higher or Lower than " + guess);
not sure what to do with this one.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NumberWizards : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
int max = 1000;
int min = 1;
int guess = 500;

void Start () {
	print ("Welcome to Number Wizard");
	print ("Pick a number in your head, but don't tell me!");
	print ("The highest number you can pick is " + max);
	print ("The lowest number you can pick it " + min);
	print ("Is the number higher or lower than? "  + guess);
	print ("Up = higher, down = lower, return = equal");

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) {
		//print("Up arrow pressed");
		min = guess;
		guess = (min + max)/2;
		print = ("Higher or Lower than " + guess);
	} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) {
		print("Down arrow pressed");
	} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) {
		print("Down arrow pressed");


Hello @EmpoweringArts, how are you?

You are getting this erroe because you are writing print = where you should be writing print(something), print("Higher or Lower than " + guess); in this case. You can’t address a value to a method, only to variables.

Thank you! It’s all in the detail!

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You are welcome!
Let me know if I can be of further help! :slight_smile:

Ok, now this is a mystery - I’ve change the code but now the console read out is repeating an 8 when pressing either the down or up keys. The second ‘print (…)’ is at 32, corresponding to down arrow code.

Higher or Lower than 8?
NumberWizards:Update() (at Assets/NumberWizards.cs:32)

void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) {
min = guess;
guess = (min + max)/2;
print ("Higher or Lower than " + guess + “?”);

	} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) {
		max = guess;
		guess = (min + max)/2;
		print ("Higher or Lower than " + guess + "?");

	} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) {
		print("Down arrow pressed");

hum… can you paste the whole code? seems to work fine here.

Thanks for taking a look.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NumberWizards : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
int max = 1000;
int min = 1;
int guess = 500;

void Start () {
	print ("Welcome to Number Wizard");
	print ("Pick a number in your head, but don't tell me!");
	print ("The highest number you can pick is " + max);
	print ("The lowest number you can pick it " + min);
	print ("Is the number higher or lower than? "  + guess);
	print ("Up = higher, down = lower, return = equal");

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) {
		min = guess;
		guess = (min + max)/2;
		print ("Higher or Lower than " + guess + "?");

	} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) {
		max = guess;
		guess = (min + max)/2;
		print ("Higher or Lower than " + guess + "?");

	} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) {
		print("Down arrow pressed");


I’ll try to build it later today to see if I find the problem

That code works fine. I just created a new project, created an empty game object and added the script to it and it works. Can you post a screenshot of your inspector?

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Hiya, restarted Unity and it all works fine now.
Thank for looking into it.

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