The Knight

Very fun and challenging part of this section :smiley:

This was cool


Here’s my Knight. Had fun with this part of the course.

How?? Did you use sculpting there?

And here is my version.

My Knight

Whoa this is amazing!!

I think the ears are too small, but I liked the final result, also I didn’t used the edge split modifier, only the mirror.

My Knights, normal and low poly.

Because reasons, I tried doing this without using any triangles, and without using the edge split modifier. I could not do it; this model still has one triangle in it (actually a quad that looks like a triangle). I succeeded in eliminating all distortions, and did not use the edge modifier, but it was absolutely maddening because tweaks made to one quad ramify to neighboring quads. It’s like playing whack-a-mole.

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…and then I had to do it all over again when I realized that it won’t work with my other pieces because it is a directional piece (like the bishop) but my first attempt was oriented at the wrong angle to its base. This time I used the edge split modifier. :slight_smile:

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