The game will not start with the 'DeBugGame' operation

Debugging can be a direct way to be confident with the object. For example, I can put a breakpoint below the AActor* Printer and observe what this pointer is pointing at. The side-effect of breakpoints is slow. I have to choose the ‘DeBugGame Editor’ operation. This option will reload a new Unreal editor, and the game will begin after I push the Play button on the new editor.

I think the '‘DeBugGame’ operation can be faster because it seems that this operation loads the game without the editor. However, the game will not run after I push the ‘Local Windows Debugger’ operation. It stuck at the following window.

You need to cook the content in order to run a non-editor build.

Content Cooking | Unreal Engine Documentation

It works after the game is cooked. Unfortunately, I enter the full-screen mode of the game, and it will not respond to the ESC key. Since I only have a GTX 730 graphics card and access the computer through the remote desktop, the game responds slowly.

That is because this is what your packaged game will be. You can configure the dimensions and fullscreen or not in the project settings.

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