The game begins!


The chess scene is now complete with all the lightings and textures we all love :slightly_smiling_face: !
I went for expensive pieces with gold speckles, hope you like it :yum:

May the game begin :

:skull: FIRST BLOOD ! :skull:
~Sad music playing~
~Time stops~


~Sad music continues~

~Second flash~

~Sad music stops~

Angry knight:
-You killed my mate !
#Looks at the pawn aggressively#

~Close-up on the knight~

That’s all folks!
I may animate this scene once I learn how to in the next section, it could be fun to do :smiley:

Cheers !


Why so boring and default? Bring more fun and creativity, I know you can! :joy:


You are right !

It shall be my next assignment ! :grin:

Oh my …

What is happening here ??! :open_mouth:

Ships ? Where are the rooks ? Is it the russian version ? (
The ground isn’t even ?
Arms and legs ???!
There is a white pawn among the black ones (a spy ?) !
Say ? Why are the white pawns all crazy ? One is sailing, three are doing trick on top of a holy knight, and three are breakdancing (is it because the white Freedy Mercurqueen is singing ? That would explain the sleeping dog bishops) :rofl:

At least the black pieces seem to have kept their brains, the two dogs bishops are following the king and protecting his back, while the pawns act defensively.
… But thoses holy knights … we don’t talk about them … :roll_eyes:

Oh I spy a love story !

Now kiss !

I might have gone a little overboard :grin:
But I hope you like it !

Cheers !


Oh my, so much going on there, would be insane to see them all moving :joy:

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Hi again,

I created an animation of the second version :slightly_smiling_face:.
I am currently at the end of section 5, so this animation is a supplementary training. After that I will begin section 6.
I didn’t change any of the pieces/board, except for the material (because I went from Blender Render to Cycle render).

Here goes nothing :

24 FPS, 300 Frames, 50% of 1080p, 256 samples
There is still some noise, especially near the end, but 256 samples was the compromise I made between rendering time and quality. It took 6H to render @256 samples (and around 6-7H to animate) :persevere:

I am not yet chasing perfection (but rather getting used to animate) but I think it still looks good enough :slightly_smiling_face:. What do you guys think ?
Do you get what is going on in the scene ? (Especially the 3rd scene)
Do you like it ?

Cheers !


nice comedy routine

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This is awesome WOW

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hahaha looks like a crazy party!

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