The function GetWheels() returns always 0

I have some troubles with tank movements and using debug find out that function TArray<ASprungWheel*> UTankTrack::GetWheels() const always return 0!
Here is my implementation:

TArray<ASprungWheel*> UTankTrack::GetWheels() const{ //-- error was here
    TArray<ASprungWheel*> ResultArray;
    TArray<USceneComponent*> Children;
    GetChildrenComponents(true, Children);
    int i(0);
    for (USceneComponent* Child : Children)

        auto SpawnPointChild = Cast<USpawnPoint>(Child);
        if (!SpawnPointChild) continue;

        AActor* SpawnedChild = SpawnPointChild->GetSpawnedActor();
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Actors names %s"),*SpawnedChild->GetName()); // if get name = crash?!

        //if(!ensure( *SpawnedChild->GetName() )){ continue;}
        auto name = Child->GetName();//*SpawnedChild->GetName();
         UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Track child %s"),*name);

        //auto SprungWheel = Cast<ASprungWheel>(SpawnedChild);
        //if (!SprungWheel) continue;

         ASprungWheel* SprungWheel = Cast<ASprungWheel>(Child);
         if (!SprungWheel) continue;

    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("get wheels must return %i"),i);
        return ResultArray;

the resulting output is:

LogTemp: Warning: get wheels must return 0
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint3
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint2
LogTemp: Warning: get wheels must return 0
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint1
LogTemp: Warning: get wheels must return 0
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint3
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint2
LogTemp: Warning: get wheels must return 0
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint
LogTemp: Warning: Track child SpawnPoint1
LogTemp: Warning: get wheels must return 0

When you have this kind of problem then it has gone off at some point causing the return to have less than its supposed to.

You have:

for (USceneComponent* Child : Children)
ASprungWheel* SprungWheel = Cast<ASprungWheel>(Child);

But its supposed to be SpawnedChild returned from GetSpawnedActor():

AActor* SpawnedChild = SpawnPointChild->GetSpawnedActor();
auto SprungWheel = Cast<ASprungWheel>(SpawnedChild);

So it could be that casting Child is causing the following continue to get called (you did not place a log there to see) or Add() is adding in something without what’s necessary after the function is returned. Either one borks it.

This is also one of the problems of using continue or break in for loops in that it can be difficult without a lot of logs or debugging to know what’s happening.

Farther debug shows that function SpawnPointChild->GetSpawnedActor();
get called and everytime return zero. Seems that I forgot to change code in SpawnPoint.cpp in BeginPlay() method - there was re-initialization of global variable. So i fixed that and all works fine)

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