The Flowerbush

I don’t know why it looks so funky. I didn’t even think that I culd just select vertices and assign a particle system to those, and so I weight painted the ends of the bush. The flower distribution is a little weid because of that, but I thought leaving the flowers big like that made the bush look like a fledgeling alpine rose. :sweat_smile: Doesn’t it…? Kind of…?

The leaves are the weirdest part. I don’t know why they don’t want to reach the ends of the branches. I did tick all the boxes and stuff. I made the leaf with a bezier curve and played around with subdivision surface but decided against it. I thought having only one face might help the rendering a little, because I couldn’t help myself with sapling branch levels and gave it three.

The samples are 5 for the bunny image and ten for the bush alone.

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