The Flight of King Condor (My Argon Assault)

I have just finished this section and really enjoyed it as well as learning a lot about messages, encapsulation and instantiation as well as some new knowledge gained regarding version control.

Here is a clip of my level. I decided to condense it down into a tutorial level for the player to introduce them to controls and the core gameplay mechanics. This helped give the level some closure and a bit of backstory just for fun!

I really wanted to theme the game differently from the sci-fi theme of the section. In order to do so I used a number of free asset packs from the store in order to keep my focus on the programming. I also added a few features such as a secondary weapon in the form of egg bombs which are accompanied by a limited ammo supply and pickups.

Here is a list of the asset packs I used:


Thank you for checking it out and I would appreciate any feedback.


I really like this Richard, the talking King Condor was a nice touch. Loving the egg bombs. I raised an eye brow when the player started to “shoot” so to speak, I was trying to work out what that could be, being a bird etc… hehe… you’ve put together a really nice fly through video there too, the attention to little details is apparent, like the flying upwards at the end and the fading out - very nice.

Not sure if you have other things planned for this, but I was thinking that you could potentially introduce a pick-up and deliver mechanic also, perhaps being hit by enemies causes you to drop whatever item it is that you have to find/deliver. Just a thought.

I will look forward to seeing more on this project :slight_smile:

Fantastic. I really like your idea. What I’m wondering is whether cool projects like this motivates me or not because I’m having really hard times with the level design. Maybe I will skip the “Showcase” part for now and I will start with Realm Rush because I already lost too much time trying to create “the best level”.
Again - very cool project :slight_smile: Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for the feedback Rob. I very much agree that lasers coming out of a Condor are a bit troublesome :sweat_smile:

I did play with the idea of having the particles resemble feathers of some kind but it just didn’t read well visually so decided to stick with bright red lasers!

Your suggestion of a pickup and delivery system is very interesting and I feel could suit the game well. Or perhaps after King Condor has visited the ‘Great Wizard’ he is given an inventory of potions with which to deliver to ‘boss’ enemy types… I may have to come back to this at some stage and try to implement some of these ideas. I would like to come back to it and perhaps create a full level to follow this tutorial level. For now I am moving onward to the next chapter in the course especially since it is based around AI path finding I feel some knowledge gained from it could be applied back to this game also…

Thanks for the kind words Dex, I hope it can motivate you knowing that I was struggling with the theme too during the design stage. It was searching through the asset stores character packs that I came across the low-poly animals and decided to just go with it.

There is certainly much room for creativity even within the sci-fi theme. I have seen your fly-through which looks fantastic! I love the red hot lava theme you went for. Perhaps a fluid lava lake would really bring it to life! A quick search on the asset store turned up this beauty that might work well for you…

Lava Shader

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Thanks for the feedback Rob.

You are very welcome :slight_smile:

I very much agree that lasers coming out of a Condor are a bit troublesome :sweat_smile:

I was thinking about this, I think you do need/want the forward firing for the sake of game play, but to make it fit - how about having something like this for the Condor;


The thought being, now he has Flight Goggles, they could be upgraded, thus you could have Laser Flight Goggles, Night Vision Flight Goggles and so on, this would lend itself to a multitude of different effects you could have in the scenes, smoke, fog, day, night, and so on - as well as providing a weapon that can fire forwards - and it is still in keeping with the theme of flight :slight_smile:

I would like to come back to it and perhaps create a full level to follow this tutorial level. For now I am moving onward to the next chapter in the course especially since it is based around AI path finding I feel some knowledge gained from it could be applied back to this game also…

It would be great if you do, but I understand the desire to move on.

Well done again and I look forward to seeing what you create next :slight_smile:

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Rob this is such a brilliant idea that I feel could really be expanded upon and bring some very neat and unique features to the core gameplay. I have noted this down in my design book and am fairly certain I will revisit this. Thanks a lot for the support, I appreciate it.

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You are more than welcome :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, Richard!

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