The drone is not patrolling (UE 5.3.2)

Hi Guys,

I’m using Unreal Engine 5.3.2. Currently, the drone is static and does not patrol. It fails to move to the patrol points. However, when the FPS player approaches, the drone moves towards the player and explodes.
Additionally, I changed the NavMesh/Runtime Generation setting to Dynamic as a precaution.

I’ve set up three patrol points (Patrol Points 1, 2, and 3). How can I fix this issue?

----- I tried another method.
I changed the runtime generation back to static

When I play, It shows Navmesh needs to be rebuilt.

I rebuilt it with moving the NavMesh slightly. It displayed “Building Navigation”

But when I play it, it still shows “NavMesh needs to be rebuilt” again.

How can I fix these issue?

I set up a simple drone on a new project and it worked, so I compared the project settings of both projects. In the new, simple project, ‘Should Discard Sub Level Nav Data’ is enabled. I enabled it in the tutorial project as well, and then it worked.

Hello exter!

Navmesh and AI Navigation can sometimes be a tricky thing to solve, an additional tool you could use in your arsenal is looking at the output log while the game is running to see if any error messages come up regarding navigation or AI movement.

That said, I’m glad you were able to find a solution that works for you. Happy learning!

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