The devil is in the details

Here’s my result. Cool to see that we can get surprisingly pleasing results with some guidance! I feel like I’d prefer to see some more hard creases in there, it still has a bit of a plastic’y feel to it or something …

Played around with the materials, made the horns smoother (roughness 0.1) but also turned specular down (to 0.086) otherwise they were too shiny. I feel like this gives fairly nice small highlights on the horns? Still looks to be from a toy shop though :laughing: Also tried playing a little with SSS for the skin, although I don’t really know what I’m doing there :smiley: I think it’s an improvement, in how the light reacts with the skin, then? Had to adjust my lighting as well, at that point.


It is a fine result. Playing with the settings is all part of it, finding a set up you like. Set in a scene with other items and lighting you may well end up altering things as the situation requires, there are no ‘correct’ settings.


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