The default cube is 2m

That blew my mind. I usually use the measuring tape tool, but that was helpful.


Yes indeed!

This is based on an old Blender standard.
Back then, in the old days, we were using Blender units. Everything had a Blender radius of one. A cube was one (radius ~ left, right, up, down …)., A sphere was one (radius).

But wasn’t handy, because what is a Blender unit? Not very handy to make real things on scale. Now its default unit is a meter. But they kept the (radius) dimensions the same. That is why a cube is 2 meters in diameter.

  • You can select other metrics (units), even the old Blender units.
  • You can also make your cube default by one meter if you want so.

That is amazing. Thank you for sharing that.


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